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Civil servants in Malaysia urged to enhance performance in line with upcoming pay hike

KUALA TERENGGANU: The Congress of Union of Employees in the Public and Civil Services is urging civil servants in Malaysia to consistently demonstrate a high level of commitment and enhance their work performance, in line with the upcoming salary increase in December.
Its president Dr Adnan Mat said he believed that with the details of the new salary rates to be announced next week, the government expects civil servants to prove their capability to deliver excellent services to the people.
“The salary increase was announced by Prime Minister (Anwar Ibrahim) on May 1 and the specific details will be disclosed on Aug 16, while its implementation will be in December. This means that the government wants to see our (civil servants’) proactive contributions prior to the pay hike.
“There should no longer be issues of integrity and others that can be questioned by netizens (the public), as they act as the eyes and ears of the government. Even though we have given our best, a minor shortcoming can become a big issue,” said Dr Adnan after officiating an event at the the Sultanah Nur Zahirah Hospital Auditorium in Kuala Terengganu on Monday (Aug 5).
However, Dr Adnan assured that civil servants have always demonstrated full dedication in their duties, which was proven by the crucial role they played as frontliners during the COVID-19 pandemic a few years ago.
Earlier, Public Service deputy director-general (operations) Mohd Shaiful Ibrahim said that starting next week, civil servants can check and calculate their salary hike rates under the Public Service Remuneration System following the salary adjustment undertaken by the government.
He said that Mr Anwar would announce the details of the salary adjustment mechanism at an event slated for Aug 16.
On May 1, Mr Anwar announced a salary revision for civil servants involving an increase of more than 13 per cent starting this December, the highest in the country’s history.
The last time the civil servants’ salaries were revised was 12 years ago, local media had previously reported.
There are some 1.2 million civil servants in the country, 90 per cent of whom are Bumiputeras, according to a past report from Free Malaysia Today.
